What are your challenges?
Changing organizational culture
It's a "soft" thing, but unfortunately it eats strategy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Agile strategy and execution
Tools to bring all employees into the conversation about improving performance.
Organization as holistic (eco)system
Conflict resolution that enhances cooperation
Conflict is inevitable, but negative effects on cooperation are avoidable.
Effective management
Organization's ability to change is determined by it's management's ability to change.
We can help you!
In consulting projects, we do not have the one magic wand that always works. We design our service according to the needs of each client.
In most cases, our solutions include:
- Clear agreement with management on what they want to achieve and how fast they want it.
- Workshops with employees, to co-create the new desired situation for the organization.
- Monitoring the implementation to ensure spreading of new best practices and quickly kill wrong-turns.
- Personal coaching of key people to help them better manage the change process.
- A few months after the end of the project, analysis of the results.
- We use any intervention needed to achieve the desired result. That may include - trainings, coaching , workshops, conflict resolution conversations, etc.